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UIC ROTC tactical Inspection marching.
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Woul anyone be able to tell me to what unit this UIC belongs to, i know is somewhere at Ft Drum, WBDAAB
Army UIC codes? - Yahoo! Answers
New OER means fewer boxes, more accountability for raters. By December, officers will be rated under a new evaluation system -- one that is
UIC ROTC tactical inspection FEB 02, 2008 Sign in with your YouTube Account (YouTube, Google+, Gmail, Orkut, Picasa, or Chrome) to add willingcadavre
05.03.2008 · Best Answer: The W is for all Army units. The second digit only has significance if it is an 7 or 8. A W7/W8 identifies a TDA organization in the Army
Sandocan - Diferença(Remix) Feat Army Music(Com Das, Mankilla, D-One & Necruma Beia) Visitem:

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army uic listrmy uic list
Army Unit Identification Codes